Now let's look at how these artifices are used in sentences.
NominativWhen we talk about who or what is the subject in a sentence, we use Nominativ.
For example:
- Der Hund spielt im Garten. (The dog plays in the garden.)
- Die Katze schläft auf dem Sofa. (The cat sleeps on the sofa.)
- Das Auto ist neu. (The car is new.)
- Die Bücher sind interessant. (The books are interesting.)
AkkusativWhen we talk about who or what is affected by an action, we use Akkusativ.
For example:
- Ich sehe den Hund. (I see a dog.)
- Er kauft die Lampe. (He buys a lamp.)
- Sie hat das Buch gelesen. (She read the book.)
- Wir haben die Blumen gepflückt. (We picked the flowers.)
DativWhen we talk about who or what an action is directed to, we use Dativ.
For example:
- Ich gebe dem Mann das Buch.
- Sie schenkt der Frau eine Blume. (She gives the woman a flower.)
- Er hilft dem Kind. (He helps the child.)
- Wir zeigen den Freunden die Stadt. (We show our friends the city.)
When we talk about whose object it is, we use Genitiv.
For example:
Das ist das Haus
des Mannes. (This is a man's house.)
Der Name
der Frau ist Anna.
Die Farbe
des Autos ist rot. (The color of the car is red.)
Die Bücher
der Kinder sind auf dem Tisch. (The children's books are on the table.)
Using certain articles may seem difficult at first, because you have to remember the genders and cases. But if you practice and read a lot, it will become easier over time. Artikles make speech more precise and help you understand each other better. So don't be afraid of mistakes and try to use them as often as possible