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Our goal is not to overload students with heavy grammar, turning them into philologists, but to teach a real, living language. The one you hear in a store, the one that allows you to communicate, meet people and clearly articulate your thoughts in a foreign language.
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Useful articles for self-learning
English levels
There are different levels of English proficiency. It is important to know your level of English to find a job, even abroad, to pass some exams, to improve your grades. To find out what are the levels of English proficiency and what is the difference between them, continue reading the article.
Present Perfect Tense
The most important thing is to realize that the action, although performed, has a connection to the present.
Why do you need a speaking club?
Numbers and numbers in German
Numbers and numerals are an important part of everyday life, playing a key role in various aspects of communication and measurement.
How to say goodbye in German
Farewells in German can be as varied as the language itself. Let's look at two of the most common ways of saying goodbye: "Auf Wiedersehen" and "Tschüss".
The verb werden in German
In German, the verb "werden" plays a key role in denoting the process of becoming or changing a state.
Pronouns in German
Pronouns play a key role in the grammar of any language, including German. They replace or refer to nouns, providing clarity and economy of expression.
The verb to call in English: 3 forms
"The word 'to call' in English has multiple meanings and is used in a variety of contexts.
The verb to leave in English: 3 forms
The verb 'to leave' in English is one of the important elements of the verb arsenal. Its use is widespread both in everyday conversation and in formal domains.
Strong verbs in German
Strong verbs are a special category in German that gives energy and dynamism to the text. They play a key role in shaping verb tenses and modes, enriching speech with variety and expressiveness.
Verb to give in English: 3 forms
We are all familiar with the simple verb "to give" in English. At first glance, it seems like a mundane word used to express the action of giving or giving something to another.
Umlauts in German
The German language, rich in its rules and peculiarities, is sometimes a kaleidoscope of symbols. Among them, umlauts - those mysterious dots we see above some vowel letters - occupy a special place.
Why English became an international language
The historical prerequisites go back to ancient times. Starting its journey as a language of Germanic tribes
How to learn irregular verbs in English fast
Knowing irregular verbs in English is the key to confident communication. Want to master them quickly? Here are some strategies to help you systematize and structure your learning
Past Perfect Continuous in English
Past Perfect Continuous is a tense in English that is used to express a long action that began and continued in the past until a certain point in the past.
Verb to light in English: 3 forms
In English, the verb "to light" has not only one, but three forms. This versatile verb can mean a variety of things, including lighting, ignition, or even mood. Let's look at its basic forms and uses in various contexts.
How to write a resume in English
When it comes to finding a job outside your home country or with an international company, being able to write a quality resume in English becomes a key skill.
Question words in German
In German, interrogative words play an important role, allowing you not only to ask questions, but also to get a fuller and more accurate understanding of information.
How to write a cover letter in English
A cover letter in English is a key element of a successful job search or attracting the employer's attention to your profile.
Modal verb "können" in German
The construction with the modal verb "können" (can, to be able to) is one of the key features of the German language.
Verb to understand in English: 3 forms
The verb "to understand" in English is one of the key words used to express comprehension. Its three main forms are "understand" (Present Simple), "understood" (Past Simple), and "understanding" (Present Participle).

Verb to listen in English: 3 forms

One of the main means of conveying and perceiving information in English is the verb listen.
The verb to pay in English: 3 forms

The verb 'to pay' is one of the key words in the English language, which plays an important role in everyday communication.

Artikles in German: how to use them correctly
Articles in German may seem complicated to those who are just beginning to learn the language. However, understanding the rules of their use will greatly simplify the learning process.
Returning verbs in German
Today I'm going to tell you about return verbs in German. These are verbs that are used with a return pronoun and show that the action is returning on itself. For example, when you wash your hands, you wash yourself.
Conjunctions in German: how to use them correctly
These little words can make your sentences longer and more interesting.
The articles a, an and the in English: what they are and rules of use
When we talk about articles in English, we are plunged into the intriguing world of linguistic organization.
How to write an address in German
If you ever want to send a letter or parcel to Germany, you'll need to know how to write an address correctly. It's not that difficult, but there are some rules of thumb that are important to follow.
Interrogative sentences in German
Today we are going to tell you about question sentences in German. If you've ever wondered how to ask "What's your name?" or "Where is the toilet?" in German, you're definitely here!
Negation in German
Negation in German may seem a little complicated at first glance, but it's actually not that hard! There are several ways to say "no" or "not" in German, and they are used depending on the context.
Pronouns in English
Hi, today I want to tell you about pronouns in English. Pronouns are such small words that help us not to repeat the same names over and over again.
Countable and uncountable nouns in the English alphabet
Hi. Today we're going to talk about what countable and uncountable nouns are in English. It's important because they help us understand how much or what quantity of something there is.
The verb to buy in English: 3 forms
Hi, today I'm going to tell you about the verb 'to buy' in English. This verb is very important because we all buy things! Let's learn its three forms to make it easier to speak and write in English. Let's go!
German alphabet
The German alphabet looks almost like the English alphabet, but with some interesting features. There are 26 letters in total, and they are the same as in English - from "A" to "Z".
Prefixes (prefixes) in the English language
Prefixes in English are like little words that come before the main word and change its meaning. For example, if you take the word “happy” and add the prefix “un-”, you get “unhappy”, which means the opposite.
Verb to eat in English: 3 forms
The verb “to eat” in English is one of those verbs that everyone knows, because it means “to eat” or “to eat”. But it has three forms to remember: eat (present tense), ate (past tense) and eaten (past participle).
The verb to hang in English: 3 forms
Hi, today we are going to talk about the verb "to hang". This word may sound a bit strange because it has three different forms that we use in different situations.
Spanish alphabet
The Spanish alphabet is one of the simplest and most melodic writing systems! There are only 27 letters, and almost all of them are read as they are written.
The verb ser in Spanish
The verb ser is one of the most important verbs. It means “to be” or “to appear” and is used when talking about something permanent.
In time or on time: the difference in English
Hi! Have you ever confused “in time” with “on time”? Neither have we! At first glance, the difference between these expressions is not obvious at all, but in fact it is there, and quite important.
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