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How to write a cover letter in English
4 minutes to read

How to write a cover letter in English

A cover letter in English is a key element of a successful job search or attracting the employer's attention to your profile. In this article, we will look at the basic steps and important points of writing an effective cover letter that will help you stand out from the crowd of candidates and get your message across to your target audience.

Table of contents

The basic principles of writing a cover letter include clarity, specificity, and personalization. Your letter should be structured, easy to read, and provide specific examples of your experience and skills that match the job requirements. It is also important to personalize the letter by mentioning specific aspects of the company or position that appeal to you and demonstrating that you have taken the time to research their business.
Don't forget to read your letter carefully and format it properly. Use a professional but accessible communication style, avoid slang and excessive formality. It is also important to keep an eye on grammar and spelling so that your letter gives the impression of grooming and professionalism.

Basic principles of writing a cover letter

The structure of writing a cover letter usually consists of three main parts

Structure of writing a cover letter

Your cover letter introduction is your first opportunity to impress an employer, so it's important to keep it clear, concise, and informative. Here are a few steps to help you introduce yourself in your introduction:
  • Include your name and contact information: Start your letter with your full name and contact information such as your phone number and e-mail address. This will make it easy for the employer to contact you if they are interested in your candidacy.
  • Indicate the title of the position for which you are applying: Immediately after your name, indicate the title of the position for which you are applying. For example: "Applying for the position of Marketing Analyst" or "Applying for the position of Financial Analyst".
  • Indicate where you found out about the job or organization: This can be a brief mention that you found the job on the company's website, through professional social media, or through a recommendation from a colleague. For example: "I found out about your vacancy through LinkedIn and was very interested in your company."
  • Get attention: Use a short sentence or phrase that will catch the employer's attention and interest them in reading your letter further. For example: "I am interested in the opportunity to join your team and contribute to your goals."

Ivan Petrov
Phone: +123456789
E-mail: ivan.petrov@email.com

Application for the position of marketing specialist

Dear [Employer Name],

I am interested in the opportunity to join your team as a marketer and have been following your marketing accomplishments with passion. I learned about your position through my LinkedIn professional network and would like to share my experience and ideas that could be valuable to your company.

[The rest of the content of the cover letter continues after the introduction]

This approach will help make your introduction attractive and persuasive, which will increase the likelihood that your letter will be read and appreciated by the employer.

Introduction: how to introduce yourself

The main part of the cover letter gives you the opportunity to present your experience, skills and qualifications that make you the right candidate for a particular position. In this part, you should make a compelling case for why you are the best choice for the employer. Here are some key points to include in the main body of your cover letter:
  • Work Experience and Achievements: Describe your professional work experience that demonstrates your training and qualifications for this position. Provide specific examples of projects or tasks you have successfully handled and accomplishments you have achieved in previous jobs. Show what experience and skills you have gained throughout your career.
  • Skills and Qualities: Emphasize the skills and qualities that you can bring to the new role. These could be skills such as communication, analytical thinking, problem solving, project management and others. Indicate how your skills match the employer's requirements and expectations.
  • Match the job requirements: Analyze the job requirements and make sure you meet the criteria. Identify how your experience and qualifications match the employer's specific requirements. This could be experience with certain tools or technologies, knowledge of specific techniques or processes, or other key skills needed to perform the job successfully.
  • Motivation and interest in the position: Express your motivation and interest in the specific position and company. Explain why you are interested in this job, what aspects of the company or projects appeal to you, and how you see yourself contributing your potential and energy to the development of the organization.

My experience in marketing over the past five years, including management positions in agencies and companies, allows me to effectively address a wide range of marketing challenges. I was recently involved in a successful content marketing implementation campaign that resulted in a 30% increase in website traffic in three months.

My analytical mindset and experience with data analysis tools such as Google Analytics and SEMrush allow me to effectively analyze the market and competitors, identify trends, and develop strategies that help a company achieve its marketing goals.

I am interested in joining your team as I am impressed by your innovative approaches to marketing and commitment to continuous development. I am confident that my expertise and skills can be a valuable contribution to achieving your marketing goals.

[The rest of the content of the cover letter continues after the main body of the letter]

This approach allows you to emphasize your training and qualifications, as well as highlight your interest and motivation for the proposed position, which can make your cover letter more persuasive and attractive to employers.

The main part: why you

In the final part of your cover letter, you summarize your application and invite further discussion about your candidacy. Here are a few key points to keep in mind when writing your conclusion:
  • Acknowledgement: Begin the conclusion by thanking them for considering your candidacy. Show that you appreciate the time and attention given to your letter.
  • Invitation for further discussion: Express your willingness to communicate and discuss your candidacy further. Invite the employer to contact you for further details or to arrange an interview.
  • Confirmation of interest: Emphasize your interest in the position and the company. Confirm that you are willing to contribute and give your best to achieve the organization's goals.
  • End with confidence and expectation: End the letter with confidence and expectation of a positive response. Express your hope for a prompt response and the possibility of further cooperation.

Thank you for considering me for the marketing position at your company. I have been following your achievements and projects with passion and am convinced that my expertise and experience can be a valuable contribution to your team.

I am willing to discuss the details of my experience and how I can benefit your company. Please feel free to contact me for more information or to arrange an interview.

I look forward to joining your team and contributing to your marketing goals. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to a prompt response.

[Your Name]

The final part of your cover letter should conclude your application with confidence and positive intentions, which will create a favorable impression on the employer.

Final part

  1. Personalize each letter: Avoid formulaic approaches and try to tailor each cover letter to the specific company and position. Mention the company name, specific details of the position, and even the name of the contact person (if known).
  2. Be specific and direct: Use clear and concrete examples to support your assertions. Avoid general and vague language. The clearer you are, the easier it is for the employer to understand why you are the right person for the position.
  3. Emphasize your uniqueness: Highlight what makes you a unique candidate for the position. This could be your experience, skills, accomplishments, or even your passion for the field of work. Show exactly what you can bring to the company that other candidates don't have.
  4. Be professional but sincere: Follow a professional style and formatting, but don't lose your personality. Let your personality shine through so that the employer can get a sense of you not only as a candidate, but also as a person.
  5. Go through proofreading and editing: After you finish writing your cover letter, be sure to go over the text again to correct mistakes and improve your wording. Have someone else read your letter to get feedback and make sure it effectively communicates your message.
By following these tips, you will be able to write a cover letter that stands out and helps you get the employer's attention to your candidacy.

Tips for writing a cover letter in English

Example 1: Finding a job
[Your Name].
[Your Address].
[Your Phone Number]
[Your Email].
[Recipient's Name or Company Name]
[Company Address].
[City, Zip Code]
Dear [Recipient's Name or Company Name],
I am writing to you to express my interest in the [job title] vacancy, which I learned about through [source]. I believe that my work experience and skills make me a suitable candidate for this position.
Over the past [number of years/months] I have worked successfully in [your area of expertise] where I have gained experience in [details of your experience and achievements]. I am confident that I can add value to your company by applying my skills and experience in this role.
I am interested in the opportunity to join your team and contribute to your goals. I am enclosing a copy of my resume for your consideration and look forward to discussing my candidacy for an interview.
Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to discussing further cooperation.
[Your Name].

Example 2: Request for an internship
[Your Name].
[Your Address].
[Your Phone Number]
[Your Email].
[Recipient's Name or Company Name]
[Company Address].
[City, Zip Code]
Dear [Recipient's Name or Company Name],
I am writing to you to request an internship opportunity with your company in the field of [insert area of interest]. I am interested in gaining work experience and practical skills in this field and consider your company to be the ideal place for this.
I am currently studying/graduating in [insert your field of study or specialization] and would like to gain additional experience in your professional environment. I have experience in [insert relevant experience if available] and I am willing to learn and develop to become a valuable member of your team.
Please consider my application for an internship. I have attached my resume for your consideration. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss the details and terms of the internship.
[Your Name].

Example 3: Cover letter for moving to a new position within a company
[Your Name].
[Your Current Position]
[Name of your Department or Company]
[Recipient's Name]
[Recipient's Position]
[Company Name].
[Company Address].
[City, Zip Code]
Dear [Recipient's Name],
I am writing to you to express my interest in the opportunity to move into the new position of [position name] advertised in your department/company. I am confident that my experience and skills make me a suitable candidate for this role and I would like to consider applying for this position.
During my time with the company, I have gained significant experience in [description of your current experience and responsibilities], which I believe can be valuable in fulfilling the responsibilities of the new position. I am ready for new challenges and am eager to grow within your company.
Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to discussing the details and terms of the transition to the new position.
[Your Name].

These examples can serve as a basis for writing a cover letter in a variety of situations. Remember to adapt them to your own circumstances and needs.

Examples of cover letter samples

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