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English levels
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There are different levels of English proficiency. It is important to know your level of English to find a job, even abroad, to pass some exams, to improve your grades. To find out what are the levels of English proficiency and what is the difference between them, continue reading the article.

English levels

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is recognized worldwide.
To date, it is the only standardized test that clearly defines all levels of English proficiency (from elementary to professional).
According to the CEFR, there are 6 levels of English proficiency:
It is also common to distinguish the Pre-Intermediate level, which
Pre-Intermediate level, which students pass after the Elementary level. Let us designate the Elementary level as A2.1, then the Pre-Intermediate level is A2.2.
It is necessary for the learner to feel confident at the Intermediate level, as the lexical and grammatical background after Elementary may not be sufficient to pass this level easily and effectively.

Basic User

At the Beginner level, students learn English from scratch. They learn to read, learn the basic rules and vocabulary. After passing this level, they will be able to independently ask/answer simple questions such as "where do you live?", "where are you from?", "what is your name?" and use English in everyday situations: to introduce and talk about oneself or to have a simple conversation with native speakers when they speak slowly and clearly.

Vocabulary: up to 1,000 words, mostly nouns, adjectives, pronouns and the most commonly used verbs.
Listening: Understand simple sentences with basic vocabulary.
Reading: Can read short captions on posters, blogs and menus.
Writing: You can write a simple email and a message, fill in a form with personal data: name, surname, nationality, etc.
Speaking: You can say hello, ask about family, friends, work or school. You can talk about the weather, your favorite food and movies, talk about your family and hobbies, and make a reservation at a coffee shop.

Example situation: you are traveling to an English-speaking country and want to buy gifts for family and friends. You can easily ask about the cost and buy a souvenir.

A1. Beginner level

At the elementary level, students learn to talk about themselves, their family, their favorite food, their favorite movie. Vocabulary and grammar, such as pronouns, verbs, nouns and their categories, interrogative forms, types of adjectives, etc., are actively reinforced. Upon completion of the level, you will be able to hold a conversation with a native speaker on personal topics.

Vocabulary: 1000-1500 words.
Listening: Can understand dialogues on personal topics: family and work, hobbies.
Reading: Can read short texts on general topics: careers, biographies, book descriptions.
Writing: Can write about yourself, describe your home, and can also write a simple informal and formal letter.
Speaking: You can carry on a conversation using simple grammatical constructions. You can talk about your friends, family and past events.

Example situation: You have an English-speaking pen pal with whom you can chat about everyday topics such as music, movies, hobbies. You can also talk about your daily life.

A2.1 Elementary level (Basic)

At the Pre-intermediate level, students learn more complex temporal constructions, phrasal verbs and speech patterns that will help them sound more natural. They will be able to talk about sports or compare life in different cities or countries.

Vocabulary: 1500-2000 words.
Listening: You can understand dialogues on general topics: work, leisure, shopping.
Reading: You will be able to understand more complex texts, formal and informal letters. You will be able to orient yourself at the airport and in a foreign city.
Writing: You can write long posts, you can write informal and formal letters, you can describe the city you live in and you can even write a short article, for example about sports.
Speaking: You can talk about everyday topics and carry on a conversation using more complex grammatical constructions and turns of phrase. You can talk about your friends, describe their appearance and character, describe the city. You can also talk about health, future plans and give advice.

Example situation: you are on vacation in another country and can easily get around the airport. If you lose your luggage, you can ask for help.

A2.2 Pre-intermediate level (intermediate beginners)

Independent User

At the Intermediate level, students consolidate the basic and more in-depth grammar covered in the Pre-Intermediate level. They also learn more specific vocabulary, such as work, film and education.

Vocabulary: 2000-3000 words.
Listening: You can understand people's point of view. You can also watch movies and TV series with subtitles related to everyday life.
Reading: You can read more complex texts and adapted articles, for example about music, sports, movies and TV programs.
Writing: You can write a CV and respond to a job offer by writing a cover letter. You can also write a letter of complaint, a short article, for example, about a city or a film review.
Speaking: You can hold a conversation without preparation in most situations. You can talk about your work experience and also about past situations using different grammatical tenses.

Example situation: You are interviewing in English for a job in a foreign company. You can talk about your education and previous jobs, your experience, using specific vocabulary.

B1. Intermediate level

At the upper intermediate level, the student focuses on vocabulary acquisition. Students learn to understand and analyze authentic articles in English. At this level, they are confident to use English for work or study and can give a presentation on a specific topic. They can also easily understand information from the media.

Vocabulary: 3000-4000 words.
Listening: You can easily carry on conversations on personal and professional topics. You can watch movies and news without subtitles.
Reading: You can read newspapers, understand advertisements, watch the news and read authentic articles.
Writing: You can write formal letters, articles and posts.
Speaking: You can easily hold a conversation with native speakers on any everyday topic, you can understand jokes and make jokes.

Example situation: You work in an English-speaking country and you have to write an article about working there. You can easily describe the pros and cons, respecting the structure and using specific expressions.

В2. Upper-Intermediate level (Upper-Intermediate).

At the Advanced level, students take their English to a fluent, practical and native level. They delve deeper into previously learned topics, enrich their vocabulary with specific terms and learn to listen to the accents of the different countries and regions where English is spoken. Legal processes, literary genres, idioms, flora and fauna are studied.

Vocabulary: 4000-5000 words.
Listening: Can understand long speeches and speeches on unfamiliar topics. Can watch movies without subtitles, understand podcasts, comedy programs and interviews.
Reading: You can read complex texts, books and manuals. You understand different styles and are familiar with technical terminology.
Writing: You can write structured texts using complex stylistic constructions, phrasal verbs and idioms.
Speaking: You can communicate fluently with native speakers, expressing your thoughts in a correct and structured way. You can also argue and defend your thoughts and point of view.

Example situation: You are looking for a job in an international company and want to respond to a job offer. You can write a response letter explaining why you are suitable for the position. Write a structured letter using specific vocabulary and terminology.

C1. Advanced level

Proficient User

The Proficiency level refers to the proficiency level of a native speaker. At this level, the student already understands everything he or she hears and reads, and speaks English fluently without thinking. They can evaluate and analyze information from authentic media sources.

Vocabulary: more than 5,000 words.
Listening: Easily perceives rapid speech, even if there are abbreviations or specific words.
Reading: Can read and analyze complex texts and articles on outlined topics.
Writing: Can write any report, report or article without difficulty.
Speaking: Can hold spontaneous conversations on any topic and feel confident at conferences, meetings or scientific gatherings. You will be able to easily use idioms and considered expressions in conversation.

Example situation: You are at a scientific conference and you have to analyze a graph. You can analyze any graph even without training.

C2. Proficiency level

Table of English levels

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