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How to write a resume in English
4 minutes to read

How to write a resume in English

When it comes to finding a job outside your home country or with an international company, being able to write a quality resume in English becomes a key skill. Your resume is your calling card in front of a potential employer, so it's important to pay attention to every detail. In this short guide, we'll go over the basic steps and tips for writing an effective resume in English so you can maximize your ability to stand out from other candidates and succeed in your job search.

Table of contents

In the English-speaking world, there are two main terms for a document containing information about a job seeker's professional experience and skills: "resume" and "CV" (from the Latin "curriculum vitae", meaning "way of life"). Although these terms are sometimes used interchangeably, they have some differences in their usage.
"Resume" is most often associated with American practice. The term refers to a brief, usually one-page document that highlights a job seeker's key accomplishments, skills, and work experience, targeting a specific position or field. A CV is a summary of professional experience and education that helps an employer quickly evaluate a candidate and decide whether to invite him or her for an interview.
"CV", on the other hand, is more commonly used in British and European practice. The term usually refers to a more detailed and comprehensive document than a CV. A CV may include more detailed information about an applicant's career path, including a list of publications, academic achievements, professional certifications, etc. CVs are often used in academic and research fields, as well as in cases where detailed descriptions of work experience and skills are required.
Thus, when preparing a document about your professional experience and qualifications in an English-speaking environment, it is useful to understand the difference between the terms "resume" and "CV" and choose the appropriate format depending on the context and employer's requirements.

Terms for how a resume is labeled in English

The structure of a resume in English usually follows standardized sections that include:

Structure of a CV in English

The Personal Information block in an English resume plays a key role as it contains contact details and basic information about the applicant. Here is a more detailed description of this block:
Full Name: Include your full name including all surnames if present. This is usually placed at the very top left or center corner of the resume for emphasis.
Contact Information: Include your current address (or city, if more convenient), phone number, and email. Make sure your phone number and email address are up to date, as these are the primary ways to contact you.
Address: Provide your current residential address. If you are looking for a job in a different city or country, you can indicate that fact or use an address in that region (such as a friend or relative's address).
Phone Number: Provide a phone number where you can be reached. If you have more than one number (e.g., a cell phone and a home phone), provide the one you normally answer.
Email Address: Provide an active and professional email address. Avoid using informal addresses or those with inappropriate words or names.
Other Contact Information: If necessary, you can include additional information such as links to social media profiles (e.g. LinkedIn), messengers (Skype, WhatsApp) or a link to your professional website.
Properly presenting personal information makes your resume more accessible and easier for people to contact you. Make sure this information is up to date and meets professional standards.

Personal information

The Education block on your English resume represents your academic path, including schools, degrees earned, and additional educational achievements. Here is a more detailed description of this block:
Name of Institution: Provide the full name of the institution where you received your education. This can be a university, college, school, or other educational institution.
Field of Study: Indicate your specialization or major field of study. This can be your major field of study, such as engineering, economics, medicine, etc.
Degree: Indicate the level of degree earned. For example, this could be a Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, Ph.D. or other similar degree.
Year of Graduation: Indicate the year you graduated or earned your degree. This helps employers evaluate your experience and relevance.
Additional Educational Achievements: If you have additional educational achievements, such as certificates, continuing education courses, or participation in academic programs, you may include them in this section.
Academic Awards: If you have outstanding academic achievements such as awards, scholarships, or honors, list them in this section. This may be additional evidence of your academic competence.
Make sure the information in the Education block is accurate and up-to-date. This section helps employers understand your educational background and qualifications in the context of your career.


The Additional Education - Qualifications block in an English resume allows you to highlight additional educational achievements and skills that may be relevant to a particular job or field of work. Here is a more detailed description of this block:
Courses and Certifications: Identify courses or training programs that you have successfully completed that may be relevant to your career. These can be online courses, webinars, certificates of completion, etc.
Professional Certifications: If you have professional certifications, participation in a certification program, or licenses that attest to your specific skills and competencies, list them in this section.
Language Courses and Certifications: If you are multilingual, indicate the relevant language courses and certifications that demonstrate your language proficiency (e.g., TOEFL, IELTS, DELF, JLPT, etc.).
Professional Associations: If you are a member of professional associations, list them in this section. Membership in professional organizations may indicate your interest in developing in your field and your commitment to professional growth.
Other Educational Achievements: In this section, you may list any other educational achievements that are not included in the previous categories but that you feel may be relevant to your career.
This block allows you to further emphasize your specialization and competencies in various fields, which may be important to employers when deciding whether to invite you for an interview.

Additional Education - Qualifications

The Employment History block in your English resume presents your professional work experience and achievements in previous jobs. Here is a more detailed description of this block:
Company Name: Provide the full name of the company where you have worked. If the company is known to the general public, providing its name may be sufficient. Otherwise, provide a brief summary of the company's business profile.
Position: Indicate your position in the position. This helps the employer understand your level of responsibility and competence in your previous job.
Dates of Employment: Provide the dates when you started and ended your employment with this company. This helps the employer evaluate your experience and stability in your employment.
Responsibilities and Achievements: Describe the major responsibilities you performed in this position, as well as your key accomplishments and performance results. Try to use specific examples and quantitative measures to emphasize your contribution to the company.
Projects and Tasks: If you have worked on specific projects or tasks, list them in this section. Describe your role in the project, the methods and tools used, and the results obtained.
Key Skills: In this section, you may also include key skills and competencies that you have used in previous jobs that may be useful to your potential employer.
Recommendations: If you have recommendations from previous employers or colleagues, you can mention them in this section or attach them in a separate file.
Properly presenting your work experience will help the employer understand your professional competence and determine your suitability for the position. Be specific and objective in describing your work experience.

Work Experience / Employment History

The Personal Qualities box on an English resume represents your personal characteristics and traits that may be important to your work and your interactions with coworkers and clients. Here is a more detailed description of this block:
Analytical Skills: If you have the ability to analyze information, highlight key aspects, and make informed decisions, indicate that in this section.
Communication Skills: If you have good communication skills, the ability to communicate effectively both written and verbally, indicate this. This includes presentation skills, customer relations, teamwork, etc.
Leadership Qualities: If you have experience leading projects or a team, are able to motivate and inspire others, list your leadership qualities in this section.
Organizational Skills: If you are good at organizing your time, managing tasks and deadlines, indicate this. This is important to employers, especially in fields with a high degree of responsibility and time management.
Creativity: If your job requires you to think creatively, innovate, or develop original ideas, list your creativity and accomplishments in this section.
Resilience: If you are able to work effectively under pressure and in stressful situations, indicate this. This is important for employers, especially in high-pressure or unstable environments.
Adaptability: If you are quick to adapt to changing conditions and new situations, please indicate this. This is important in a fast-paced business world and for employers who value flexibility and adaptability.
Other Personal Qualities: In this section, you can indicate any other personal qualities that you consider important and relevant to your professional life.
Properly presenting your personal qualities can help an employer understand how you will fit into a team and fulfill your responsibilities. Be specific and provide examples to support your claims.

Personal qualities

The Special Skills section of an English resume represents additional skills and competencies that you consider relevant to a particular position or field of work. This section helps set you apart from other candidates and demonstrates your uniqueness and specialized knowledge. Here is a more detailed description of this block:
Technical Skills: Indicate any specialized technical skills you possess that may be important to your job. This could be programming skills, proficiency in certain software products or technologies, knowledge of specialized tools, etc.
Programming Languages: If your job involves software development or web development, indicate the programming languages you are proficient in and your level of proficiency in them.
Design and Graphics: If you have skills in design and graphics, indicate the relevant programs and tools you are proficient in and your skill level.
Analytical Tools: If you have worked with analytical tools and data analysis techniques, indicate them in this section. This may include knowledge of data analysis software, databases, business intelligence tools, etc.
Software: Indicate any specialized software with which you are familiar and which may be useful for your work. This could be project management software, content management systems, CRM systems, etc.
Soft Skills: Soft skills like communication skills, time management, problem solving ability, creative thinking, etc. can also be mentioned in this section. These skills can be important for your success at work and for your interactions with coworkers.
Certifications and Awards: If you have certifications or awards that demonstrate your mastery of specialized skills, list them in this section. This may be additional evidence of your expertise and qualifications.
Make sure that the specialized skills and competencies you have listed are relevant to the job requirements and emphasize your suitability for the position. Be specific and provide examples to demonstrate your mastery of these skills.

Special skills

The Research Experience section of an English resume presents your experience in science, research, and academia. This section is especially important for candidates applying for positions related to academia, academic teaching or research. Here is a more detailed description of this block:
Project Title: Provide the title of the research project you worked on. This can be the title of a research paper, thesis, term project, or other scholarly project.
Place of Work: Identify the organization, university, laboratory, or other academic institution where you conducted your research. This helps employers understand your academic and professional environment.
Period of Work: Indicate the time period during which you worked on the project. This can be years or specific months of start and completion.
Responsibilities and Achievements: Describe your main responsibilities and achievements in the research. Include your role in the project, the methods used in the research, the results obtained, and any publications or presentations related to your work.
Methods and Tools Used: Indicate the methods, techniques and tools you used in your research. This may include laboratory equipment, software, statistical methods for analyzing data, etc.
Publications and Presentations: If your research has been published in scientific journals or presented at conferences, indicate the relevant publications and presentations in this section.
Awards and Recognitions: If you have received awards or recognitions for your research, please list them in this section. This can provide additional evidence of your expertise and the quality of your work.
This block helps to highlight your specialization in science and your ability to conduct quality research. Be specific and provide examples of your experience and qualifications in the scientific field.

Research Experience

The Publications section of an English CV provides a list of your scientific literature, articles, books, or other publications that reflect your academic and professional contributions in a particular field. This section is especially important for scientists, researchers, academicians, and any professional whose work involves scientific research and publications. Here is a more detailed description of this block:
Publication Title: Enter the full title of your publication. This can be the title of a research article, book chapter, monograph, research report, etc.
Journal or Publication Name: Enter the name of the journal, publication, conference, or other place where your work was published.
Publication Date: Enter the date your paper was published. This can be year or month and year, depending on the format of your publication.
Co-Authors: If your work was a collaborative effort, provide the names of your co-authors. This will help readers and employers understand who you collaborated with and what results were achieved with your colleagues.
Abstract: If you have an abstract or brief description of your work, provide it. This will help readers quickly assess the content of your publication and your methodology.
DOI or Link: If your publication has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) or is available online, provide a link. This will make it easier to access your work and allow potential readers to review it.
Keywords: Include keywords or phrases that describe the content of your publication. This will help readers and employers quickly find your work when requested.
This block helps emphasize your academic contributions to the scientific field and your ability to publish scholarly results. Be careful about the formatting and accuracy of your publication information.


The Memberships section of an English resume represents your membership in professional associations, societies, or other organizations related to your field of work. This section helps employers understand your activity in the professional community, your interest in development, and your commitment to professional standards. Here is a more detailed description of this block:
Organization Name: Provide the full name of the professional association, society, or organization of which you are a member. This can be a national or international organization accredited in your field.
Membership Type: Indicate the type of membership you have in the organization, such as membership as a professional, student, or associate member. Some organizations may have different membership categories with different privileges and responsibilities.
Membership Period: Indicate the time period during which you have been a member of this organization. This can be years or specific months when your membership began and ended.
Role or Position: If you have held any roles or positions in the organization (e.g., board member, committee chair, jury member, etc.), please indicate them in this section.
Achievements or Involvement: Describe your achievements or involvement in the organization. This may include participation in events, conferences, workshops, professional training, development of standards and policies, etc.
Membership Benefits: Indicate any benefits or opportunities you have gained through your membership in the organization. This may include access to resources, networking opportunities, training programs, certifications, etc.
This block allows you to emphasize your professional community and your commitment to professional growth and development. Make sure your membership information is accurate and relevant to your current status.


The References section of your English resume provides contact information for people who can provide positive references about your professional activities and qualities as a professional. It is important to keep in mind that in most cases, references are provided upon request, so it is not necessary to include this block in your resume. However, if you decide to include this section, make sure you have permission from the relevant individuals to use their contact information. Here is a more detailed description of this block:
Name and Position: Include the full name of the person who can provide a reference and their position or professional title. This will help the employer understand the context in which the person has worked with you.
Company or Organization: Provide the name of the company, organization, or institution where the person you are referring works.
Contact Information: Provide the person's contact information, including phone number and e-mail address. It is generally recommended that you provide at least two contacts.
Relationship to You: Indicate the context in which the person knows you and how long you have worked or socialized together. This could be your supervisor, a coworker, a teacher, a client, etc.
Recommendation Letters: If you have letters of recommendation from these individuals, you can mention this and provide them upon request.
Make sure that the persons you are referring are willing to give positive feedback about you and your work, and that they are familiar with your professional accomplishments and qualities. You should also notify these individuals that their contact information will be used on your resume and that they may be contacted by the employer for references about you.


The Awards section of an English resume lists the awards you have received for your professional achievements, academic excellence, or other significant contributions. Including this block helps to emphasize your recognition in your field of work and your ability to achieve outstanding results. Here is a more detailed description of this section:
Award Title: Include the full name of the award or prize you received. This can be an award for professional achievement, academic excellence, contribution to the community, participation in competitions, etc.
Organizers or Sponsors: Identify the organization or organizers who gave the award. This will help the employer assess the significance and credibility of the award.
Date Received: Indicate the date you received the award. This can be a year or a specific date.
Award Description: Give a brief description of the award and why it was given to you. Include the major accomplishments or achievements that led to the award.
Significance of the Award: If the award has special significance or impact in your field of endeavor, indicate this. This may include the prestige of the award, its impact on your career, or recognition of your professional contributions.
Additional Documents: If you have documents or certificates that support your award, you may attach them to your resume or mention them in this section.
This block helps the employer understand your professional reputation and recognition in your field. Be specific and provide examples of your accomplishments to emphasize the importance of the award to your career.


The Objective block in an English resume provides a concise statement of your professional goal and what role you are seeking in the organization or industry. The objective should be specific, clear and in line with your professional ambitions and intentions. Here is a more detailed description of this section:
Brief Statement: Your objective should be a concise and clear expression of what you want to accomplish in your career. Avoid long and complicated sentences; it is best done in one or two sentences.
Target Position: State the specific position or role you would like to fill in the organization. This helps the employer to understand your career ambitions and the right jobs for you.
Key Skills and Qualities: Identify the key skills, qualifications and qualities you can bring to the role. This helps the employer understand why you are suitable for the position.
Goals and Ambitions: Express your goals and ambitions for your career and professional development. This could be to develop in a particular area, gain certain skills or achieve certain results.
Tailoring to Specific Job: When writing a goal, make sure it is tailored to the specific job you are applying for. This will help show the employer your interest and preparation for the position.
Example goal:
"Goal: To obtain a position as a software engineer at an innovative company where I can apply my experience in software development to create new and innovative products, as well as continue to develop my skills in artificial intelligence and machine learning."
This example clearly states the target position, field of work, key skills and attributes, and professional development ambitions.
It is important to emphasize that the objective in the resume should focus on showing how you can add value to the organization and why you are the right candidate for the specific position.

Purpose / Objective

Keep a clear structure: Divide your CV into blocks such as "Personal Information", "Education", "Work Experience", "Skills", "Awards", etc. This will help the employer quickly navigate through your experience and qualifications.
Be specific and concise: Use clear and precise wording, avoid overly wordy descriptions. Try to condense information to a few sentences or phrases to make your resume concise and easy to read.
Use action verbs: When describing responsibilities and accomplishments in your work experience, use action verbs such as "managed," "developed," and "conducted" to emphasize your active role in projects and initiatives.
Emphasize accomplishments: Instead of listing just responsibilities in your work experience, focus on your specific accomplishments and the result of your work. This will help the employer understand your contributions to previous projects and your potential for future challenges.
Adapt to the job opening: When applying for a specific job opening, adapt your resume to the employer's requirements and expectations. Highlight the most relevant experience and skills that match the specific position.
Check for grammatical errors: Carefully check your resume for grammatical and spelling errors. Even small typos can negatively affect the impression of your professional accuracy and attention to detail.
Use active keywords: Include in your resume keywords and phrases that are commonly found in job postings in your field. This will help your resume stand out in recruiters' databases and screening systems.
Provide contact information: Make sure your contact information is up-to-date and easily accessible. Include your name, email address, phone number, and links to social media profiles or professional websites if applicable.
By following these tips, you will be able to create an effective resume that will catch the attention of employers and increase your chances of successfully qualifying for your desired position.

Tips on how to write an effective CV in English

Chronological Resume:

John Smith
123 Main Street, Anytown, USA
Phone: (555) 123-4567 | Email: john.smith@email.com

Experienced software engineer seeking a challenging position in a dynamic tech company where I can leverage my skills in full-stack development and project management to drive innovation and deliver high-quality software solutions.

Software Engineer | XYZ Tech, Anytown, USA | March 2015 - Present
- Led development teams in delivering multiple successful software projects on time and within budget
- Developed scalable and efficient codebase for web applications using JavaScript, React, and Node.js
- Implemented Agile methodologies to streamline project workflows and improve team collaboration

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science | ABC University, Anytown, USA | Graduated May 2015

- Proficient in JavaScript, HTML/CSS, React, Node.js
- Strong understanding of software development methodologies (Agile, Scrum)
- Excellent problem-solving and communication skills

Functional Resume:
Jane Doe
456 Elm Street, Somewhere, USA
Phone: (555) 987-6543 | Email: jane.doe@email.com

Motivated marketing professional with expertise in digital marketing strategies and campaign management. Seeking a position where I can utilize my analytical skills and creative mindset to drive growth and achieve marketing objectives.

Summary of Qualifications:
- 5+ years of experience in developing and implementing digital marketing campaigns
- Proficient in Google Analytics, SEO/SEM, email marketing, and social media management
- Strong analytical skills with the ability to interpret data and optimize marketing strategies accordingly

Digital Marketing Manager | ABC Company, Somewhere, USA | January 2017 - Present
- Developed and executed digital marketing campaigns resulting in a 20% increase in online sales
- Analyzed website traffic and user behavior using Google Analytics to optimize website performance and conversion rates

Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing | XYZ University, Somewhere, USA | Graduated May 2016

- Google Analytics, SEO/SEM, Email Marketing, Social Media Management
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills

These samples demonstrate different approaches to resume design depending on your experience and goals. You can adapt them to your own background and circumstances to create an effective resume that reflects your professional potential and qualifications.

Examples of sample resumes in English

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