Interjections in German come in many forms: some convey emotions, others help you sound more natural in conversation. Let's categorize them in order not just to remember them, but to actually use them in speech.
1- Emotional interjections
These are the most vivid interjections that express joy, surprise, annoyance and other emotions.
- Oh!” is the classic ‘Oh!’ for surprise. Oh, das ist ja toll! (Oh, that's awesome!)
- Ach! - expresses disappointment or relief. Ach, schade! (Ach, schade!)
- Juhu! - joy and delight. Juhu, wir haben Ferien! (Yay, we're on vacation!)
- Igitt! - disgust. Igitt, das ist ja eklig! (Ew, that's disgusting!)
- Aua! - pain. Aua, das tut weh! (Ouch, it hurts!)
2. Colloquial insertions for naturalness
These words don't have a specific meaning, but they make speech more lively and more like real German.
- Tja... - something like “Well...” when you are thinking. Tja, ich weiß nicht. (Well, I don't know.)
- Ähm... - 'Ähm...', a pause as you pick up the words. Ähm, also... was wollte ich sagen? (Ähm, also... was wollte ich sagen?)
- Na ja... - “Well, yes...” if you don't quite agree. Na ja, könnte besser sein. (Well, yes, it could have been better.)
3. Interjections to attract attention
These words are used to call someone out or start a conversation.
- He! - “Hey!” He, warte mal! (Hey, wait!)
- Hallo! - greeting or calling attention. Hallo, hören Sie mich? (Hallo, can you hear me?)
- Psst! - a request to be quiet. Psst, sei leise! (Shh, be quiet!)
4. Irritation and discontent
If you don't like something, Germans also use interjections.
- Mann! - something like “Mann!” Mann, ist das nervig! (Mann, how annoying!).
- Mist! - the soft equivalent of a swear word, like “Shit!” Mist, ich habe den Bus verpasst! (Shit, I missed the bus!)
- Tststs... - a clucking sound that expresses judgment. Tststs, das ist doch nicht in Ordnung! (Tststs, das ist doch nicht in Ordnung!).
5. Interjections of politeness
To sound friendly, you can add these interjections to your speech:
- Oh! - surprise, but also an expression of sympathy. Oh, das tut mir leid! (Oh, I'm so sorry!)
- Hm... - thinking before agreeing. Hm, okay... (Hm, okay...).
- Ach so! - “Ach so!” Ach so, jetzt verstehe ich! (Ach so, jetzt verstehe ich!)